Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

Today we celebrate Easter at our new church...we've been here for three weeks now and love being here! It's been a whirlwind of transition, but a good one nonetheless. I'm so thankful to be part of a church where the Spirit of God is free to move and people are coming to know the Lord every service. God is so good and this Easter has even more significance for my family b/c of what the Lord has brought us through this year. If Jesus had not died on the cross for our sins and rose again we would not have the victory to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Thank God He did and we rejoice b/c of His sacrifice so that we can have life and life more abundantly! Praise God for His victory...He IS alive and we more than conquerors in Christ Jesus because He loves us!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Last night we got tragic news that Megan's first grade teacher suddenly passed away. In just a couple of days we leave to move to Texas. My heart is grieving for this family. Mrs. Valerie Hildebrandt was a wonderful woman of God who loved children and poured her life into my daughter and hundreds of other children over the course of her teaching career. She left behind her husband Steve of 10 years, 16 yr old stepson and beautiful little 8 year old daughter Meghan.
News like this is startling. It really puts life into perspective. Makes you really realize just how short life is and how precious every moment truly is. In a few moments Sam and I are going to sit Megan down and tell her that her teacher went to be with Jesus yesterday. For that there are no words. How do you tell a 9 year old that her former teacher just died unexpectedly. She was just at school yesterday and collapsed later in the evening in her classroom when she went to prepare her lesson plan for the sub who was going to cover for her cause she wasn't feeling's just so tragic. I ask that you would please join me in uplifting this family to the Lord and that He will surround them with supernatural peace to endure the unfathomable.
Tomorrow is Megan's last day of school at Cherry Hills. I'm sad that she this is how her last day has to be, but they are having a grief counseling session for the kids in their classroom and she will be able to say her goodbye's to her friends. Please pray that God would give her the comfort and grace she needs as well as this happens at a time of great transition for our family as well...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Never Forget

As we are coming to a close in this desert season of our lives my one prayer is that we will never forget. May we never forget the pain...never forget the brokeness we felt...never forget the sense of hopelessness and fear of the unknown. May we never forget that there were times when death would have seemed a better option. I pray we'd never forget how low we felt and that it seemed as if God had completely abandoned us. I pray that we'd never forget b/c this is how a great portion of our world lives. Hopeless, defeated, utterly discouraged and broken. These are the ones God has called us too. He didn't just take us through this journey without reason, but to use this experience to conform us to His image. 2 Cor 1:4 in the message version tells us..." He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.
Likewise, I pray that we will NEVER FORGET how good God is and that HE does good. May we NEVER forget His unending love for us and how His mercies are new EVERY morning. I pray that we would ever be aware of His gracious hand of mercy on us and how He tenderly cares for His own providing every step of the way. I pray we'd never forget that just b/c God is silent doesn't mean He's still. I pray we would keep in the forefront of our minds that He is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. May we stand in awe of who He is and remember always that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord will deliver him out of them ALL!!!

May we taste and see that the Lord is good
May we see the beauty of the Lord in the land of the living
May we hear His voice in the night and find hope in His promises
May we feel His presence and find that His strength IS perfect
May we sing sing sing...for joy comes in the morning!

Jesus Culture - Your Love Never Fails

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Props to Sam

Last Thursday I had the wonderful opportunity of getting my wisdom teeth out...unfortunately the healing is taking a little longer than is expected...however I have to give Sam major kuddos b/c he's the man! He has helped me so much when I have felt so horrible...he's taken the kids to school and back (mind you it's a 15 min drive each way and he does that 3x's a day) plus he's been so helpful to me in so many ways...sometimes we don't give our spouses enough credit and he really deserves a lot right now! He's been such a support and help to me when I needed it most and I have been able to heal, relax and get the rest that I really need! I sure love my husband and am thankful to the Lord and He gave him to me! :-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Seeking God

This year one of my resolutions is to fast one day a week. Last year Sam and I participated in two Daniel Fast's (a 21 day fruit and vegetable diet only!) It was really challenging to endure a long fast but I have to say it was so worth it, even though we still haven't seen the results we've wanted. We know God did something and is still at work...anyway, this year instead of doing that I wanted to challenge myself to put aside one day a week and really focus on allowing God to speak to me in a clear way and let all distractions go to the wayside. Today is my first fast day of the year...
It's funny b/c when I first started fasting I would get so hungry and usually quit halfday. I don't know if it's growing older and maturing that has helped me or just a deep desire to know God and His will for my life that the hunger seems so insignificant. Food becomes so trivial in light of what we're pursuing - the heart of God. Now don't get me wrong, I love fact when the kids get a little older I want to go to culinary school and complete the personal chef program!
However, I can't tell you how desperately I want to know God in a deeper much I want His favor on my life and my families, and how I just want to be used by Him is some way and to know that one day He will say "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"...

Monday, January 4, 2010

To Believe or Not to Believe

As the New Year approached I have to be honest I've been very anxious...not in a good way either. At the outset of last New Year's Eve I was extremely hopeful of the coming year that this (2009) would be the year that God broke through our situation and poured out His blessings on us. In contrast, it was the worst year of my life. I was so hopeful that God would do great things. I prayed, fasted, anticipated, hoped and believed for the best. This year I find myself fearful,not being so optimistic about this year in fear that I'll once again be disappointed by what this year will unfold. I'm really struggling to find a balance btwn being hopeful and realistic. I'm hoping that inspite of me it will be a good year for us. One of deliverance, blessing and seeing the favor of the Lord on our lives. I don't want to be a "Debbie Downer" (remember the skit from SNL?~sorry for the reference) but my natural tendency is to err on the side of realism and not hope. So therein lies my struggle. I want to be hopeful and expect God to do great things. Yet, it's a daily challenge to walk each day with not a clue in sight as to what our future holds or any possible chance of a change. I find myself being broken once more with a simple desire to serve the why hasn't He opened a door for me and my family? Only time will tell I guess and waiting is our only option...